We at First Baptist Church Hamburg, Arkansas, prayerfully seek God's will to fill the senior pastor position as we walk in unity with the Holy Spirit. Below is a description of the church, town, and people where the senior pastor will shepherd.
First Baptist Church Hamburg, Arkansas, is in the state's southeastern corner. It is the county seat of Ashley County. Our small town has friendly, family-oriented people and an excellent school district. We are a growing church (190-240 average worship attendance) with much potential, striving to reach unbelievers and disciple believers for Christ.
Our staff comprises a senior pastor, youth pastor, music minister, secretary, and custodian. We have a vibrant group of seniors, middle-agers, growing young families, and youth. on Wednesday nights, we offer adult Bible studies, a journey program instead of AWANA for elementary-age students, and a worship service with fun activities for junior high and senior high school students.
FBC also reaches our community with the Grief Share ministry, which has two sessions yearly. The Women On Mission actively supports missions by praying, feeding college students, and fundraising. On Thursday afternoon, there is also a church fellowship gathering for men's coffee. We support our local food pantry and serve free lunches to people in need on our campus every third Tuesday.
Bible study occurs in Sunday School, men's and women's weekly D-Groups, and Sunday night Life Groups, a source of personal ministry for spiritual growth.
Please send resumes to the search committee at fbchbg.office@gmail.com.